Thriving Family magazine, put out by Focus on the Family, has new "On the Go Devotions" in each month's issue. These are quick, age-adaptable activities that can be done in the car while you're running errands! Check out their archives for lots of ideas (including some meal-time devotions too). And by the way, if you haven't subscribed already, this magazine is totally free!
Here are five great devotion ideas for your on-the-go activities. Take a few minutes to browse through the site, and you'll find some other great ideas, too!
While you're going through your Eat This Book plan, encourage your children to get involved too! There is a children's plan available here, and it's a great way to get your kiddos into the habit of reading from their Bibles every day. Even little bits can get in on the action - I read The Jesus Storybook Bible
Above all, don't be frustrated if things don't go exactly as you envision or not everything sinks in. There will be days when your littles don't hear a word you say. There will be times when you get frustrated. There will even be days when you fail. But don't give up! You never know how God will use and bless your efforts to draw your children to Him.
What are other ways you teach your children to love Jesus?
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