Monday, December 10, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday

As we all know and heard last month, it is easy to believe lies about ourselves. But the best way to counteract those lies is by replacing them with Truth! Let this Truth wash over you today:

My past does not have to control my future. 

Don't you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? ...Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life has gone; a new life has begun! - 2 Corinthians 5:17

I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. - Philippians 3:12-14

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday: Legacy

My family recently attended the funeral of my husband's grandfather - the man our son is named after. In his lifetime, he earned five degrees, was a missionary to Hong Kong, founded a hospital there, served as a surgeon and chief of staff at a hospital in St. Paul, MN after returning to the states, and wrote a walk-through-the-Bible-in-a-year book - to name just a few. He was father of 10, father-in-law to 10, grandfather to 48, grandfather-in-law to 9, and great-grandfather to 16.

As we gathered with the incredible numbers of family, friends, and church members to remember Grandpa's life, it was very clear that he left an incredible legacy here on earth when he went to be with Jesus. I don't think any of his family would call him perfect - his oldest son summed up his life by saying, "Dad wasn't perfect, but he kept getting better" - but I learned some lessons from him about leaving a Godly legacy for my children and, someday, grandchildren:

He spent individual time. During the family service, grandchild after grandchild stood to share stories of the special one-on-one time Grandpa had spent with them. My own husband remembers times like these. He even called every one of them (remember - there were 48) by their first and middle names. I've seen him and Grandma do this with my own son. It was clear that each one was special to him, and he showed it by singling them out for attention. As a mother, I want to show my children individual attention and love when I can.

He made God priority. In every part of his life, he lived out the idea that God came first. From going back to school - not once, not twice, but three times to fill a much-needed roll in the mission field - to praying about every single decision, he did what God called him to. He didn't make excuses for decisions, and he didn't bow to anyone's expectations but God's. My husband summed up Grandpa's life shortly before he died: "This is a man who, for 86 years, has been running hard in everything he did straight for God. And now he's about to finally see his Goal face-to-face." Will my children be able to say the same of my life? Will they say that I ran hard after God with everything I had?

He brought God home. Reading the Bible and singing songs of praise (specifically, hymns, in this family) was an every-day occurrence in Grandpa's home. I think it's safe to say that each of his children have some fond - and many not-so-fond - memories of these times (they did happen at 5:30 AM every morning...). But I think it's also very clear that each of them, and subsequently their families, knows the truths of God well. They have much of Scripture hidden in their hearts and they share it with their own children. Are the words of God frequented in my home? Are the praises of God on my children's lips?

Leaving a legacy for our children is a big challenge as a momma. Some days we fail. Some days it seems insurmountable. But some days it's encouraging to see a real-life example and tangible ways to set about it. The best part? God wants you to succeed! He's behind you as you work, each day, to build that legacy!

What are some ways your family has left a legacy for you? What are some ways you work to leave a legacy for your children?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pediatrician Follow-Up

Our last speaker, Whitney Dee - a fellow MOPS mom and pediatrician, has taken the time to put together her notes and add some great informational links to what she shared at our last meeting. Thanks Whitney!

Dental Care

-saliva production starts at 2-4 months; 
-average age to start is 6mo; 
-most complete by age 3 (20 teeth including “2 year old molars”), then 6 year old molars, 12 year old molars
-symptoms include increased drooling, chewing, gum swelling/irritation, sleep problems, fussiness....and nothing!
-cold washcloths, teething toys, gum massage; caution re: numbing gels (can impair safe swallowing), teething tablets (some have ingredients that can alter the baby's electrolytes)
-why more colds, etc? one theory distract immune system and increased rates of illness

*losing primary teeth starts around 6 years old

*taking care of teeth:
-first visit depends on dentist: some say at first tooth, others say when there is a problem or when they can cooperate with the exam - check with your dentist
-brush starting at first tooth, floss when there are multiple teeth (just to get in the habit)
-brush after last milk - leaving milk sugar during a full night of sleep can lead to “bottle rot” 
-brushing “position” (sit on the floor with the child's head between the "V" of your legs, can use your legs to pin their shoulders down too if needed)
-help until age 8 years: kids do not have the fine motor skills to adequately brush their teeth until then

Safe sleep (blanket in crib) Blankets are safe after 12 months (as are pillows), but technically *nothing* else is supposed to be in the crib.  We've loved the blanket sleepers even into the toddler years:

What is your professional opinion on immunizations? Too long for a blog!!  Bottom line, I support the current schedule of immunizations.  Here are some websites for more info:

Causes for younger kids to need glasses: are genetics a big part or too much tv/video games?
-genetics are a big part, otherwise the causes are mostly acquired like lazy eye, etc.

Child's feet often peely or cracked under her toes. The internet said athlete's foot is stinky and hers aren't...should I treat with something? Worry?
-juvenile plantar dermatitis “sweaty sock syndrome”; wet/dry, treat with emollients (heavy lotions like aquaphor), frequent sock changes; could try OTC steroids; athlete's foot involves toe webs and you would treat with OTC antifungals for 4-6 weeks (!)

Child has a red “freckle” like spot on her cheek that's been there for months. It's not a scab or a bump – feels smooth to touch
 -This is hard to diagnose without seeing it in person, so I would get it checked by your doctor.  Common possibilities include an hemangioma or cherry angioma

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Coming Up

*For Operation Christmas Child details, click here.*

It's a big week coming up at Two Rivers MOPS! Here's what's going on:

MOPS Meeting
Our first meeting of November will be this coming Tuesday, the 13th. As usual, feel free to come starting at 9:15 to check your kids into MOPPETS and get some coffee and goodies before we get started. We are really excited about our speaker, Jess Griz, who is right in the trenches with young children with us! For more information about Jess, check out her blog.

Moms' Night Out

When: Tuesday, November 13, 7-9pm
Where: Jessie Ostrowski's house, 11421 Old Colony Pkwy, 37934
What to bring: Please bring either a Hors d'eoeuvre or dessert to share
RSVP: or on the Two Rivers MOPS Facebook group page
Feel free to call Jessie:  630-512-1484 if you have any trouble finding the house.

Operation Christmas Child
Don't forget to bring your packed Operation Christmas Child boxes with you to our meeting on Tuesday! If you can't make it to the meeting, you can bring your boxes to church this Sunday or next, or drop them by the church office 9-5 Monday-Thursday, 9-3 Friday of next week. 

We can't wait to see all of you soon!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

We are excited to announce that Two Rivers MOPS will once again be partnering with Children's Ministries and all of Two Rivers Church to participate in collecting shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child.

Operation Christmas Child is a ministry of Samaritan's Purse, an international Christian relief and aid organization, that shares the love of Jesus with underprivileged children around the world through simple Christmas gifts. This is a great, easy, way for you and your family to give back at Christmas time and teach your little ones about giving to others.

Here's how you can participate:

  • Fill a shoe box... or several! Have your children help. Create a family assembly line one night around the dining room table, or have each child fill a box for a child their own age and gender. You can find more information on what to include in your boxes here. Be sure to label what age and gender your box is packed for!
  • Fill out the form. You can fill out a paper form and include it with your box along with the $7 recommended donation for shipping costs, or you can register your box online to get a tracking number and follow your box around the world to its final destination!
  • Drop your box off at Two Rivers Church between November 3 & 18. There will be tables in the lobby and the children's ministry wing during those weeks. If you can't make it on a Sunday morning, you can drop your boxes off during office hours throughout the week (9-5 Monday-Thursday and 9-3 Friday), or you can bring it to our next MOPS meeting on November 13. 
It's that easy! Have you participated in Operation Christmas Child in the past? What has been your experience? How have you used it to teach your children about giving during the Christmas season?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Leaf Garland

While scrolling through fun fall art projects recently, I came across this idea for a fall leaf garland craft. It was easy, cheap, and required supplies that I would bet a lot of you already have on hand - definitely a must for family crafting in my book! I knew I wanted to share it with you. But to make it a little more fun, I thought I would try this one myself first and show you the process!

I started by drawing leaves onto coffee filters. Mine were the brown, unbleached kind. They worked just fine, but white filters probably would have produced brighter leaves in the end. 

And just to show you that yes, you can craft with little bitties, here's Gavrel with his watercolors - he's 18 months old.

In all fairness, he was far more interested in dipping the paintbrush in the water cup than actually painting the leaves. He did manage to make it through all 12 leaves - 6 coffee filters - before signing "all done."

This step wasn't in the original directions, but I thought it would be fun to add the letters for "happy fall" to our garland. 

I just free-handed our letters, but it would be just as east to type them up, print them off onto card stock, and cut them out from there. I cut all these out while Gav was painting our leaves.

Once the leaves were dried, I cut them out and punched holes through them and each of my letters. Then I strung them all on a piece of yarn. The original directions say to knot off each leaf, but I just double-threaded each piece and it worked out fine.

Since it's so light-weight, I just used Scotch tape to hang it from our mantle. Isn't that fun?

With older kids, you could let them do the stringing. It's great for hand-eye coordination, my little-bit just isn't quite there yet!

My favorite part is that I can tell guests that Gavrel made it himself! :-) Happy Fall everyone!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Recipe: Bringing Starbucks Home

Are you trying to get your fill of Pumpkin Spice lattes while they last? Here's a great, easy way to get your fix without leaving home or busting your wallet. You'll probably even have enough to share!

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Try out this crock pot pumpkin spice latte recipe next time you have a girlfriend or a group over. 

And while you're at it...

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Why not throw in some pumpkin maple coffee cake, too?

Enjoy your homemade coffee shop experience!

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday

Choices seem to be a daily obstacle as moms: we have to make choices about how to spend our time, what to get done (or not get done), how to feed our little ones, what toys to give them, how to handle meltdowns and tantrums, and even just what color socks to put on them. That's not even to mention bigger decisions like working, schooling, spiritual training, safety or health concerns. We are bombarded every day.

Add to that the pressure we feel from reading blogs, scrolling through Facebook or Pinterest, talking to our pediatricians, or just watching other mom friends. And then it creeps in.


What if my child is forever afraid of being outside because I worry about her touching things and getting sick? What if my child doesn't learn to read in time because I just don't have the energy when I get home from work to play all those cool educational games with him? What if my children develop some horrible disease in adulthood because I didn't buy all organic groceries or I let them play with plastic toys? What if I am just a horrible mother because I wasn't able to breastfeed?

Do any of those sound familiar? What do you fear? What keeps you up at night? What thoughts creep in when you least expect them?

Today, during a moment of your Monday, consider this truth from your Father:
For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. 
-2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)
Fear is not from God! Let me say that again, because I want you to hear it - fear is NOT from God! It is the result of a sinful, broken world and an enemy who wants to destroy anything good in us. Because the truth is: mothering is good. That intense love you have for your children, that desire to give them the best all the time - it's part of God's Fatherly heart reflected in you, and it is very good.

The fear? That's not part of God's heart at all. 

So trust in this: you are doing your best for your children. I know it, because I know it's God's heart in you for them. By all means - learn, grow, be inspired, and try new things. But when you can't do everything your neighbor does or you're too tired some days to do any more than survive, fear not! Trust yourself, and trust the God who loves and looks out for you and your children.

Today I commit to not mothering out of fear. Will you join me?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Special Offer: 20% Off Truth in the Tinsel

Earlier this week I let you know about fun, Jesus-centered ways to talk about Halloween with your kiddos. If you haven't looked at it yet, check it out here.

But we all know how quickly time flies, and pretty soon Halloween will already be a distant memory. That's right - I have a Christmas deal for you already! Right now, readers of the blog Free Homeschool Deals can get 20% off of the ebook Truth in the Tinsel by Amanda White.

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This ebook is an advent plan to point little ones to Jesus during the Christmas season. For each day of December, there are Bible verses, crafts, and ways to talk to your preschoolers (and older kids, too!) about the Christmas story and the true meaning of the holiday we celebrate. One of the best parts is that the author, a children's ministry expert, started developing these activities when her daughter was only one year old! So the activities can be used in some form from a very early age. 

There is also have a Facebook page and Pinterest board for further ideas. The author is also updating the blog on the book's website during December to give you further extensions if you have already used the activities with your kids. 

So if you like to think ahead, be sure to grab this one while it's discounted!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ideas for Your Christian Home on Halloween

If you haven't already met her, let me introduce you to one of my favorite mom bloggers out there - the Happy Home Fairy. She loves to create memories and traditions for families, all with a Biblical approach. I love the way she looks for and finds Jesus in everything she does!

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As we approach Halloween, we all have a variety of ways we deal with this holiday in our own families. If you are looking for ways to celebrate and honor God together, she has some great options for you. First, check out her explanation of how she approaches her celebration.

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A great way to teach your children about anything - including holidays - is through Scripture! She's compiled lists of relevant verses, ready to print, for you to use with your own little ones. And they're FREE to print!

For trick-or-treating, you can print these FREE stickers to put on your candy before you pass it out. And if you want a fun costume ideas that your kids - and you - won't totally roll their eyes at but can still learn a lesson from, she has some really cute and practical ideas.

And for a fun, Halloween-inspired craft that still turns back to and draws from Scripture, here's something fun for all you crafty moms!

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Recipe: Winter Soup

I don't know about you, but when it's cold and rainy, I crave soup! Ok, it might also have something to do with being three months pregnant, but I know I can't be the only one wanting to curl up in a blanket with a big, warm mug of soup right now!

Here's a great recipe for Winter Soup that's basic, simple, and extremely flexible if you have other favorite ingredients you like. 

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What would you add to or change about your own Winter Soup?

*Have an awesome recipe you would like to share with our MOPS group? You can send it, or a link to it, to Katie Addington.*

Monday, October 8, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday: Recreation or Diversion?

The following excerpt originally appeared in an article entitled "Recreation Energizes" by author Jan Johnson in the Winter 2012 edition of MOPS MomSense magazine, page 29:
Some people... see recreation as a consumer commodity to be used up without reflection, done to gain admiration or grind other people into the ground. It becomes tied up with equipment (a bigger boat, better skis or newer golf clubs) or toys ("He who dies with the most toys wins"). Franciscan priest Richard Rohr notes, "Much recreation does not re-create us, but is only diversionary. I think that's why Americans need so much recreation and entertainment. If it doesn't really entertain or refresh, we will need more very soon. But for open persons, those who know how to receive and let events teach them, a little bit goes a long way."

Is your family's recreation actively re-creating you and refreshing your relationship with God? Or is it draining the life from you? How could family recreation potentially refresh your soul?

If you have some great ideas or experiences with this, share in the comments!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Coming Up (and A FREE Resource!)

Don't forget that this Tuesday, October 9, at 9:30 is our next MOPS meeting at Two Rivers Church! We are so excited to see all of you. Our speaker will be Lisa Scott, a speech pathologist with lots of experience with children and a mother herself. She'll be addressing various issues involving behavior, learning, and development in young children. We are so excited to learn from her!

Lisa and her family.

I also wanted to share a FREE resource with you: Thriving Family is a marriage and parenting magazine put out by Focus on the Family and is free to anyone who requests it! You can visit their website, give them a call, or download the free iPhone/iPad app. The magazine includes parenting tips for any age and stage, fun family activities, easy devotional ideas, encouraging stories, and marriage pointers - and there's even more available for FREE on their website. Take some time and go check it out!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall in the Mountains

Maybe your family is new to Knoxville and you're still getting to know the area, or maybe you've lived here your whole life but have recently gotten too caught up in your busy days to get out and about. Either way, here's a great resource for you!

The Great Smoky Mountain National Park, an easy drive south of the city, is one of the most diverse and well-known national parks in the country. And park admission is free! Who doesn't love free? This fall, they have a great line-up of activities: guided hikes, craft fairs, historic exhibitions, and traditional Appalachian music. There are some great fun - and educational! - opportunities for your whole family:

Learn about the park at a special event such as the Festival of Christmas Past.
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Check out their calendar of events or the special events pages for more information. 

High elevations trees with golden leaves interspersed with dark green spruce trees.
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Do you love fall colors? Did you know that, every fall, the National Park Service posts reports about colors in the mountains? They will tell you what elevations have the best colors each week, and when they expect peak colors to show. Take your whole family for a drive to see the beauty of God's creation!

And if you are a plan-your-own-adventure type momma, then the park's home page has some great resources for any kind of trip. Our family's personal favorites are the waterfall trails located throughout the park. 

Mingo Falls
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Happy Fall to you and your family!

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday: Sounds of Family

The following is an excerpt of an article entitled "A Listening Ear" by author Julie Barnhill that originally appeared in the January/February 2011 edition of MOPS MomSense magazine, page 9:

   I know you're going to find this hard to believe, as you only dream of a quiet car ride to anywhere and attempt to finish reading this column in one, two, maybe three or four sittings, but hear me out - I miss hearing those sweet sounds of family. Granted, I thought my head was going to blow up a time or two back in the day, but I wouldn't trade anything now for the memories of then. Nor would I trade the gift of having listened, really listened, to their innumerable questions, conversations, jokes, and "Mommas" during those hectic months and years of raising little ones.
   My initial "slant" for this issue's column was to be more about fundamental listening skills for you as a mom and for those of your children. However, overhearing the voices of my 22-year-old daughter and 20- and 16-year-old sons in our well-worn Yukon set my thoughts on a slightly different course. I want to encourage you to be an active listener over the next several days, weeks and months. 
  • Listen - really listen to those rambling conversations your preschoolers pulls you into. 
  • Grab a Flip video camera or cell phone and record their voices.
  • Document what you hear ("Will my wife have a belly button?" ~Ricky, age 3)
   And at the end of "One of Those Day," play back what you've heard and listen to  the sweet refrain of family.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Coming Up

Mark your calendars for our upcoming events next week!

On Tuesday, September 25, we will be having our second MOPS meeting of the year. We'll start right at 9:30 in the River Room, so come at 9:15 to start checking your little ones into the MOPPETS program. We have a great morning planned with food, time to get to know your small group and others better, and maybe even a little competition thrown in - bring your game face!

The same evening, following our meeting, we will be meeting at Noodles & Co. in Turkey Creek (across from Target) at 6:30 for a Moms' Night Out. Come meet us for dinner, hang out, and stay for dessert. Feel free to come when you can and jump in with everyone else.

We can't wait to see you!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Counting Down

With the start of school and the onset of fall, there is a lot coming up to look forward to! School events, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and maybe even a birthday. Kids especially feel the anticipation. One fun way to help your kiddos look forward to upcoming events without constantly asking if they're here yet is to make a countdown paper chain together!

Click for post.

The Happy Home Fairy made this fun back-to-school paper chain that you could use to look forward to a field trip or other fun school party or event.

Click for post.
Ten Kids and a Dog used this Christmas chain and a sweet poem instead of an advent calendar.

Consider helping your kids write things they are thankful for on a Thanksgiving countdown paper chain. Or use the same theme as a birthday party to make a birthday countdown chain. The possibilities are endless! The visual and physical element also helps preschoolers understand how much time is left before a greatly anticipated event. 

What events are you and your family counting down to this fall?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Recipe: Cinnamon Glazed Popcorn

Can't get enough of fall flavors? Here's a great combination of an easy snack and a classic fall spice. Head on over to 100 Days of Real Food and check out her Cinnamon Glazed Popcorn.

What is your favorite fall flavor?

Monday, September 17, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday

As I sat down to spend some time with God recently, I felt led to read through the beginning of the book of Matthew - the genealogy of Jesus. If you've read it, you know it's not usually the most exciting part of the book. But as I read, three names struck me all over again:

Tamar. Rahab. Ruth.

Women were not usually listed in genealogies - it's significant that they are listed in the first place. What's even more incredible is that these women were "outsiders" in a culture that was very careful to isolate itself. Tamar was most likely a Caananite, her marriage arranged with her father-in-law Judah was living away from the rest of his family, the original Israelites. Rahab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho before the nation of Israel conquered it. Ruth was a Moabite widow who followed her mother-in-law back to Israel, even though she had nothing to come back to. All three are listed as direct descendants of Jesus. 

They were brought into the family of the Israelites because of their faith in God above all else. They were willing to leave behind what they knew to step into a promise. And they weren't sideline spectators! God gave them an incredible role in history. They played an integral part in the life of the one we still worship today.

Maybe you feel like you don't belong in God's family. Maybe you didn't grow up in a Christian home and struggling to figure out how to run one yourself. Maybe you don't feel like you know what your purpose or calling is. Maybe you're not sure God sees you at all as you go through your day-to-day routines. But you don't have to be a spiritual giant. You don't have to have an incredible history. You don't have to know how you fit in. 

God sees you.

And he has an integral role for you to play in his story. You may not know it, or even ever see it, but you are not relegated to the sidelines! So take heart that you are not laboring blind or in vain. Your job is important and none of your effort is lost. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recipe: White Chocolate Cranberry Oatmeal Cookies

Did you get a taste of the white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies at our first MOPS meeting this morning? Here's how you can make them yourself at home!

2 sticks of butter (for best results, use salted)
3/4 cup white sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. vanilla
1 1/2 cups flour (the batch at MOPS was made with whole wheat flour)
3 cups old-fashioned oats
1 small bag of white chocolate chips
1 small bag of dried cranberries

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream butter and sugars together in a stand mixer or with a hand mixer. Add eggs, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla and mix thoroughly. Add flour slowly until completely mixed. Do the same with the oats. Add cranberries and white chocolate chips at the very end, turning mixer off as soon as they are incorporated so as not to crush the chocolate.

Drop by rounded teaspoonfuls onto cookie sheets lined with parchment paper (for best results). Bake at 350 for 9-12 minutes, depending on cookie size and your oven, until the edges are just golden. Let cool on cookie sheet for 1-3 minutes before removing to cooling racks.

Of course, be sure to enjoy a couple while they're still hot from the oven!

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Moment for Your Monday

Sometimes it's hard to see past today - right now. You feel overwhelmed, overtired, or even completely lost. It's hard to imagine getting everything done that you need to, much less that you want to! As you start your week, take a moment to listen to these words from the introduction of A Woman and Her God:
God knows each of you and cares for you just as He cared about Mary [see John 20:14]. He knows your name; you belong to Him (Isaiah 43:1). No matter who you are or what kind of baggage you carry with you, no matter what you look like or feel like, no matter what you do or don't do, God loves you just as you are right now. You don't have to get your act together, lose ten pounds, run a marathon, write a best-selling book, or raise perfect children. You are an extraordinary woman in His sight right now. Not only does He love you, He cherishes you. ~page viii

Friday, September 7, 2012

Our First MOPS Meeting!

We're anxiously gearing up for our first MOPS meeting at Two Rivers Church, coming this Tuesday from 9:30-11:30 AM. If you haven't registered already, come a couple minutes early to get signed up for the year. You won't want to miss it! There will be good food, time to reconnect with great friends, and we can't wait to hear from our sweet Mentor Mom, Kay Crouch, as our first speaker for the year.

For more information, check out our page on If you are joining our MOPS group for the first time, welcome! Need directions to Two Rivers Church? Check out the map below and click the "Directions" link.

View Larger Map

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Recipe: Fresh Apple Cake

Labor Day is behind us, nights are starting to cool down, kids are back in school, and that means fall is on the way! What better way to celebrate the season than with an easy, yummy cake with fresh apples. Check out this recipe from A. Liz Adventures:

Click here to link to recipe.